Online seminar

Seminar on large-scale quantum experiment

Date and time 17:00-18:00, Wednesday 27 September, 2023 (JST)
Speaker Dr. Guoyi Zhu, University of Cologne, Germany
Registration Visit here
Title Nishimori's cat in a noisy quantum processor
Abstract Traditionally, measurements have been synonymous with extracting information from physical systems. Yet in the quantum realm, the extraordinary nature of measurements allows them to actively modify and steer quantum states, forging a new route to entanglement generation. It has remained an open question whether these measurement-based state preparation protocols can lead to phases of matter which are stable to gate imperfections. In this talk I will focus on a shallow circuit targeting at the "hydrogen atom" of long-range entangled states - the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. We analytically find that its long range order is stable against certain coherent and incoherent errors, up to a finite threshold. The threshold is governed by a hidden Nishimori criticality, featuring a conspiracy of disorder and effective temperature enforced by the Born's rule. I will discuss our latest experimental implementation on an IBM 127-qubit quantum processor.


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